For nearly 40 years, there has been a coordinated, well-funded effort to limit both authorized and unauthorized immigration in the U.S. The movement leading this effort is largely comprised of groups with ties to racist eugenics and White nationalism and have been the ideological driver of policies intended to malign and criminalize immigrant communities. The contemporary anti-immigrant movement’s work and activity can be seen across the country and has become an integral part of the Right’s agenda. PRA provides information and analysis on these activities to immigrant communities and allies—informing their resistance to bigoted and repressive policies and to uphold our shared humanity.

In this episode of Inform Your Resistance, Koki reads Nativist Bedfellows: The Christian Right Embraces Anti-Immigrant Politics by Tarso Luís Ramos and Pam Chamberlain, the fourth in our new From the Archives series. From the Archives features those…

Author Q&A with John Washington

Reece Jones discusses the book “The Case for Open Borders” with author John Washington, and the idea of open borders and the way the Left and the Right react to the idea.

In this episode, we discuss the origins, unlikely intersections, and influence of the contemporary anti-immigration movement. Ethan provides us with a fascinating overview of how this movement developed, from its White Nationalist origins, with…

Reframing the 21st Century Border Crisis Narrative

Ethan Fauré discusses U.S. immigration politics and considers how two books, The Case for Open Borders and My Fourth Time We Drowned, challenge “border crisis” narratives.

Host Koki Mendis and guest Alex Amend discuss the rise of far-right environmentalism. It is more than just a reactionary response to the climate crisis. It is an ideological framework weaponizing environmental concerns to propagate nativist and…

Who These are the sectors of the Right setting the cultural context and/or organizing right-wing sheriffs. Anti-immigrant Right Anti-immigrant organizations like the…

Author Q&A with Reece Jones

Over the past 30 years, the U.S. Southern border has become an increasingly volatile political force. Trump built his political identity on demonizing immigrants and promoting spectacles of border fortification: the promise of a wall, expansive…

The inhumane treatment and deportations of Haitian refugees from our southern border underscores what we already suspected: that the U.S. anti-immigration movement, which thrived under President Trump, has yet another champion in President Biden and…

Author Q&A with Daniel Martinez HoSang

In the last year, a record number of people took to the streets in protest of systemic racism and police violence. But over the same time period,…

9/11 and the Anti-Immigrant Movement

More than two decades ago, during the 2000 election, leading anti-immigrant group Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) offered a glimpse of things to come. Amid his reelection campaign, FAIR targeted U.S. Senator Spencer Abraham (R-MI…

Refugees, Islam, and Germany’s Far Right

This April, Fox News’s Tucker Carlson elevated a narrative that has long festered on the Far Right to the conservative mainstream, when he used his show to promote the conspiratorial “Great Replacement” theory. That’s the idea that the so-called “…

Author Q&A with Brendan O'Connor

Although some markers of the Trump presidency may be fading, the xenophobic, exclusionary nationalism it helped elevate remains a defining force in U.S. politics. Within the same two weeks this April, Fox News host Tucker Carlson helped mainstream…

The Anti-Immigrant Backlash

“Many persons who have spoken and written in favor of restriction of immigration, have laid great stress upon the evils to society arising from immigration. They have claimed that disease, pauperism, crime and vice have been greatly increased…

The Repercussions of Politicized Law Enforcement

On January 6, a right-wing mob took over the U.S. Capitol with relative ease. Among many things this made clear—including the continued threat of far-right violence, reinforced by movement misogyny[1]—the…

Anti-Immigrant Conspiracists Traffic Fear in Southern Arizona

Humanitarian worker Joel Smith knew it would be difficult to reason with the man who had been knifing and draining his water tanks in the Southern Arizona desert. Michael Lewis Arthur Meyer, a non-veteran who nonetheless heads the anti-…

In January 2019, Rick Joyner, head of Morningstar Ministries, an important New Apostolic Reformation parachurch organization,[1] claimed to have received a prophetic vision in a dream in the form of a…

The Aftermath in Chemnitz

The sun was high and the air thick with a weighted August heat as we sat down for lunch at Schmetterling, a Persian restaurant in the heart of Chemnitz, Germany. Anne Gersch, a staff member of Courage, a project that facilitates anti-discrimination…

Targeting local sheriffs and other law enforcement is an effort by FAIR to complement this direct access to the administration and develop support for its agenda outside the Beltway.

Technological tools to increase law enforcement’s surveillance capacity will be showcased at this year’s annual National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA), Education and Technology Expo from June 14-18, heightening concerns regarding law enforcement’s…

Sheriffs are elected at the county level, and in most cases operate without any direct oversight. This presents an opportunity for White nationalists and other right-wing movements, particularly …

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced a new effort in May 2019 to expand the reach of its deportation machine. ICE’s new Warrant Service Officer (WSO) program allows local police officers to effectively become federal immigration…

Although these state and federal officials tried to distance themselves from militia organizing, New Mexico’s constitutional sheriffs cumulatively have taken actions that signal that militias are welcome in the state.

The contemporary anti-immigrant movement, which has established influence at various levels of the administration, has promoted and attempted to litigate changing the census to reveal citizenship status for nearly 40 years.

The influence of organized anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim movements is readily apparent in policy changes over the last two years.

This report seeks to document the effects of the rise of a White nationalist movement whose policy prescriptions and rhetoric on immigrant, refugee, and Muslim populations echo the White House’s, and to generate new thinking and strategizing to…

In August 2018, 16 of Oregon’s 36 sheriffs signed a letter in support of ballot measure 105, the referendum in the November 6 election to repeal Oregon’s 31-year-old sanctuary law.

Since the Trump administration came into office, anti-Muslim sentiment has become a glue that binds this administration’s national security leadership with anti-Muslim organizations, White nationalist organizations, and anti-government militia.

On July 17, the Oregon Secretary of State’s office approved signatures for Initiative Petition 22, a ballot measure that could repeal the state’s so-called sanctuary law. Oregon voters will now vote in November whether to keep or repeal the 1987 law…

The racism, nationalism, and misogyny driving the Trump administration’s assault on immigrants is evident to all but a willfully ignorant majority on the Supreme Court of the United States. Whether in exclusionary policies like the…

Hamid Khan, a coordinator with the Stop LAPD Spying Coalition—as well as a Political Research Associates board member—has long been active in the immigrants’ rights debate, having immigrated to the United States from Pakistan in 1979. As a board…

Looking at Michigan’s Fusion Centers

In the Winter 2009/Spring 2010 edition of The Public Eye, we reported on the rise of Intelligence Fusion Centers, created to coordinate the national security intelligence efforts of the Department of Homeland Security, US Department of Justice, CIA…

An Interview with Roberto Lovato

Last year, a coalition of Latino/a groups successfully fought to remove anti-immigrant pundit Lou Dobbs from CNN. Political Research Associates Executive Director Tarso Luís Ramos spoke to co-founder Roberto Lovato to find out how they…

The Christian Right Embraces Anti-Immigrant Politics

If the September 2007 Values Voters Summit is anything to go by, the Christian Right is now nearly as worked up about illegal immigration as about abortion and same-sex marriage. At that political gathering—sponsored annually in Washington D.C. by…