For Donor Activists
PRA’s Inform Your Giving program provides original research and analysis about key authoritarian movements to inform donor activists’ anti-authoritarian, pro-democracy giving strategies. Recognizing the ample resources progressive movements require to contest power, PRA partners with foundations and donor networks like Resource Generation and Solidaire Network to reach a wide range of donors and high net-worth individuals interested in changing the landscape of movement funding.
PRA offers political education for donors on a case-by-case basis and hosts regular multi-part webinar series that critically engage in strategy development to resource Left movements best positioned to block the Right.

We aim to create intentional spaces for progressive donors to strengthen their analysis and giving strategies in solidarity with communities most targeted by the authoritarian Right.
To inquire about resources available to individual and foundation donors, please contact Donor Program Manager Aidan Orly.
To support PRA in changing the landscape of movement funding, please consider donating today.