Watch Now: A Roundtable Discussion Presented by Religion Dispatches

Rage against violence. Rage against oppression. Rage against poverty. Rage against suffering. How do we fuel the struggle for justice with rage? In this discussion, we explore rage and its potential for transformative racial justice, the…

Fights over Racism Highlight Southern Baptist Divide

It was late May, but Denny Burk’s mind was on June.[1] A professor of biblical studies at Boyce College in Kentucky and an associate pastor at Kenwood Baptist Church—both institutions affiliated with the…

School board meetings across the country have seen an influx of parents and community members over the last few months, many there to fight Critical Race Theory (CRT)—something that the majority of primary and secondary schools don’t teach, and a…

A Q&A with Hilary Moore, co-author of No Fascist USA!: The John Brown Anti-Klan Committee and Lessons for Today’s Movements

While the militant antifascist movement known as “Antifa” has prompted confused media coverage and plentiful consternation among conservatives, direct confrontation with the Far Right is not a new idea in the U.S. Beginning in 1977, a group of…

Conservative Jewish Magazine Features Uncensored White Nationalism

On June 11, the American Jewish publication Tablet published a lengthy interview with Kevin MacDonald, a White nationalist and antisemite whose voluminous writings on Jews have shaped the movement responsible…

Reclaiming a City from Neoliberalism

Introduction In many ways, all eyes are on Chicago. The city increasingly finds itself at the epicenter of multiple discourses of violence and safety – from hubristic Presidential tweets claiming federal intervention is necessary to address Chicago’…

The Right’s 50-Year Anti-City Agenda

It’s not by chance that the U.S. is full of hollowed-out urban centers. Residents are disproportionately poor and people of color, surrounded by wealthier and Whiter suburbs. It traces back to the Great Migration, which brought great numbers of…

How Christian Persecution Became White Supremacy’s Newest Disguise

On Election Day, White evangelicals turned out in force for Trump, with over 80 percent voting for the Republican ticket. Their game-changing status became undeniably clear, but so did an unsavory truth about their “values voter” identity. For all…

Q&A with Elizabeth Gillespie McRae

Although historically, White women have supported the political, cultural, and social systems of White supremacy, there’s still a surprising level of confusion and shock when White women today do the same. Media narratives continue to assume,…

Challenging the Policing Paradigm Rooted in Right-Wing “Folk Wisdom”

When protesters developed a platform to end police violence in the wake of the 2014 police shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, the first of their 10 demands was to end “broken windows” policing, the law enforcement paradigm…

Simone Browne, an associate professor of African and African Diaspora Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, describes her new book, Dark Matters: On The Surveillance of Blackness, as a conversation between Black Studies and Surveillance…

From the War On Drugs To The War On Terror

American political time is often rhetorically divided into before and after the attacks of September 11, 2001. In this model, “before” signals liberty and respect for individual rights while “after” brought increasing restrictions and surveillance…

The Criminalization of Black Women

Between 1990 and 2000, the number of people in U.S. prisons and jails increased from 292 per 100,000 to 481 per 100,000. But the number of women in prison rose even more sharply, doubling over the ten-year period.

The concept of autonomous “Lone Wolf” terrorism as a dominant strategy for U.S. political extremists has been widely discussed recently, especially after the horrific mass shooting in Charleston earlier this year, which was allegedly planned and…

Activist Shana Griffin on Post-Katrina New Orleans Housing

Rep. Richard H. Baker, a Republican congressman from Baton Rouge, was quoted as telling lobbyists in September 2005, “We finally cleaned up public housing in New Orleans. We couldn’t do it, but God did.”

How “Hatred” Hides History

The Charleston and Chattanooga shooters had very similar lives and stories. Yet one’s actions are labeled as terrorism, and the others’ as “hate.”

Immediately following the mass murder some Christian Right leaders jumped onto the airwaves to claim the shooting was an example of the campaign against religious freedom in America. It turns out they were onto something, just not what they had…

The Right’s success in reframing and co-opting social justice movements has derailed more than one progressive campaign. Among them is an emerging effort to convert the “Black Lives Matter” rallying cry into an anti-abortion one.

Black Lives Matter protests have electrified the country, and the Right has responded with its usual bag of tricks, as it tries to ensure that the U.S. racial hierarchy remains intact. The Right’s approaches include trying to make the conversation…

You might imagine that an increased emphasis on law and order would result in increased attention to all forms of law-breaking. But addressing police brutality and other forms of State violence clearly is not the focus of law-and-order policies.

Why does Hollywood keep distorting history to portray exceptional individuals rescuing America from collective problems?

(Editorial note: This essay has been revised and updated from a previous version. 11/5/2014.) Recently, a number of acclaimed films focusing on the life of Abraham Lincoln, slavery, and the Civil War have distorted historical reality to suggest that…

Media coverage of the trials has become enormous boon for certain white supremacists, who have managed to use mainstream news outlets as a platform for bigotry. Nowhere is this more evident—and disturbing—than in the case of Frank Taaffe.

The Critical Issue We're Not Allowed to Discuss

As gun control advocates push for stricter gun laws, and pro-gun groups continue to push back, there’s one important aspect of the debate conservatives tend to fear discussing: race.

The emergence of the Tea Party and its de facto takeover of the GOP have been a shock to many mainstream pundits and politicos. The domination of Tea Party ideology is complete enough to have forced a partial government shutdown, raised the threat…

An Interview with David Cunningham

David Cunningham became interested in the Ku Klux Klan while conducting research for his dissertation at the University of North Carolina. He originally focused on how the FBI dealt with the Civil Rights Movement, but his research led to a…

While the Far Right—White supremacists and neo-Nazis—had no issue with openly promoting “White rights,” the Right Wing attempted to remove themselves from bigoted attitudes and activities. The New Right Republicans of the time, if discovered making…

The Charlotte Lozier Institute aims to abolish abortion rights in the United States by recasting antichoice as authentic feminism, promoting incremental antichoice laws, and undermining the work of the prochoice Guttmacher Institute. Though it bills…

This commentary originally published at In These Times. The acquittal of George Zimmerman made us furious. But will a hate-crime conviction…

This is an excerpt of an article originally published at Colorlines. Last December, Care Net—the nation’s largest network of evangelical Christian crisis pregnancy centers—featured a birth announcement of sorts on the website of its 10-year-old…

The African American Anti-Abortion Movement

Introduction For those on either side of the abortion debate there are great stakes involved with the outcomes of the upcoming 2004 elections. There could be the possibility of three open vacancies on the Supreme Court within the next few years,…

Garrett Hardin Living Within Limits: Ecology, Economic and Population Taboos Oxford University Press, 1993   Tomas Almageur Racial Fault Lines: The Historical Origins of White Supremacy in California University of…