The Groypers’ Battle Within the GOP
“A particularly noxious subset of the ‘alt-right’ that gained media notoriety in the wake of Trump’s 2016 win, the Groypers arrived on the scene in 2019, just before Trump’s reelection loss (as the New Right emerged from Goldwater’s 1964 defeat). Groypers represent the extreme right of US politics, the bleeding edge between fascist outsiders and the Christian nationalist faction attempting to ride Trump’s campaign into the heart of the GOP. They are overtly antisemitic, spreading threats against Jewish people and openly empathizing with Hitler. They are Christian and white nationalists, using imagery and language associated with the Crusades to describe their angry posts and their violence. They are also proudly misogynistic and anti-LGBTQ, reversing the pro-choice ‘my body, my choice’ slogan as ‘your body, my choice,’ underlining their opposition to abortion and their naked support for patriarchal domination. They’re mostly young, and there aren’t a lot of them. But they are loud, active, and intent on transforming US politics.”