The political stakes are high for the oil and gas industry, which is desperate to preserve its dominance amid cascading environmental policy shifts, broadening support for the renewable energy revolution, and ever more visible, sensed, social, and…

Inform Your Resistance Season 1: Episode 2

Uncover the disturbing realities of racial capitalism and state violence with host Koki Mendis and Saqib Bhatti, co-executive Director of the Action Center on Race and Economy (ACRE). Bhatti’s insights illuminate the distressing crossroads where…

A return to an earlier constitutional order, in which the federal government’s ability to regulate corporations and protect the public interest is severely constrained, is the end toward which decades of right-wing investments have been …

Charles Koch, the billionaire philanthropist who’s the source of much of the Right’s “dark money,” did not just become a convert to the ultra-capitalist radical right. He is the sole reason why this movement may yet alter the trajectory of the…

During 2015, we launched the new PRA Economic Justice Research Project. Here are five ways our work exposed the Corporate Right’s shenanigans in 2015.

How the Right is Marketing Medicare's Demise

Koch-funded theologians have developed a scripture-based argument to address populist anger over economic inequality, blending the Christian Right’s traditional Calvinist hierarchies with an economically Darwinist framework that says it is correct…

The HR Association Lobbying & Suing to Roll Back Worker Rights

Human Resources doesn’t usually conjure up images of adversarial political activism. Yet contrary to its politically neutral image, the innocuously-named Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM, pronounced “sherm”) campaigns for public…

Christian Right leaders have long helped business leaders whittle away at the economic freedoms granted to working Americans since the New Deal.

Walmart’s Latest PR Stunt to Change its Anti-Worker Image While Resisting Regulation

Depending on whom you ask, up to half a million Walmart associates got a raise yesterday. The raise was won for them by a brave rebel alliance of hundreds of Walmart workers who are interested in the continued survival of Walmart workers. Calling…

The Business Lobby Groups Blocking Your Paid Leave

Despite ironclad evidence of the economic and ethical soundness of family leave, workers are still lacking protections — thanks to a coordinated effort by the Corporate Right.

Kim Bobo, the founder and executive director of Interfaith Worker Justice (IWJ), is one of the Left’s luminaries when it comes to the intersection of faith and economic justice. Bobo, who was herself raised an evangelical Christian, and is the…

As workers’ rights advocates around the country raise their voices in ever-louder protest of wage theft, it appears some in Congress may finally be listening. This week the Congressional Progressive Caucus, led by Reps. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) and…

The Corporate Crusade Against Low-Wage Workers

Corporate interests have taken credit for reducing private-sector unions to afraction of their former strength, and for eroding public-sector collective bargaining, especially since the 2010 “Tea Party midterms.” A resurgence in low-wage worker…

Passed by the State Assembly in a 43-27 vote on May 28, California’s Wage Theft Prevention bill is designed to address wage theft, a catch-all term that workers’ rights advocates use to cover the range of abuses that low-wage workers in the state…

Known among restaurant workers as “the other NRA” for its political clout in Washington, the National Restaurant Association is among the leading forces opposing efforts to raise the minimum wage currently underway around the country.

Long-Term Costs and Economic Benefits

The economic arguments against expanding their own Medicaid programs by conservative Governors and state legislators neglect to factor in the long-term benefits of expanding Medicaid coverage.

Rite Aid warehouse worker Angel Warner stood before a crowd of dock workers, cookie makers and other unionists gathered outside the corporation’s annual shareholder meeting on June 25 in New York City.

Some people may enjoy watching the Right thrash around trying to find its way in the Obama Age, but I take the election results and their aftermath as a sign of a country dangerously divided. There really was a stark difference in the major party…