Cloee Cooper is a journalist and researcher with over a decade of experience researching far right movements and their inroads into law enforcement and local government. She was granted the 2021 Soros Justice Media fellowship to develop a podcast on far right sheriffs and holds a master’s degree in journalism from the Medill School of Journalism, specializing in social justice and investigative reporting. Before the mainstream knew of White nationalism, she tracked, monitored, and organized against anti-immigrant organizations with ties to White nationalism with the Center for New Community from 2009-2012. Her work has been cited in Politico, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, HuffPo, NPR Nevada, and The Guardian. You can read her analysis at The Progressive, The Center for Right-Wing Studies, PBS Chicago, and The Public Eye. She currently serves on the editorial board of Hard Crackers, a journal documenting the everyday life of those striving to overturn the mess we are in.